Thursday, July 16, 2009

What the RPCNA has in common with Islam, Hinduism, etc.

At the moment that the RPCNA wants to distinguish itself from liberal Protestants, Catholics, Arminians, etc., it is interesting to note what it has in common with major world religions and other faith traditions, viz., its view on women's role in the church.

As women cannot be pastors or elders in the RPCNA (ordained offices), neither can women be imams in under Islamic teachings. Women cannot lead Friday prayers or preach the Friday sermon.

Although nothing in Hindu scriptures specifically say that women cannot be priests, the tradition arose that only men could be priests. In the early 1980s this changed when two schools were opened in the Puna, India to train women to be priests. However in some regions in India, women priests are still considered a violation of Vedic law.

Catholics, of course, do not permit women priests. Nor do Mormons ordain women. Orthodox Jews do not permit women rabbis. Nor do the Eastern Orthodox churches.

So the RPCNA does share common ground with Islam, Catholicism, etc.

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